WordPress Challenges

Hi there!

You might be here because you have accessed this page directly (from my site) or maybe from wpchallenges.com.

What are this, WordPress Challenges, about?

The WordPress Challenges are an idea I had in mind for several weeks already. My idea is to provide you with great guidelines to create something and get some great value from doing challenges.

Some of the ideas are:

  • Create a WordPress Plugin in 3 days
  • Create a Theme in 7 days
  • Optimize your WordPress Plugin in 2 days
  • etc

You get the idea, right? It will be those challenges that push you over your comfort zone and get you done something you have wanted to do but you always told yourself “When I get time, I will”.

Current Ideas

For now, I am collecting ideas on general WordPress development topics. Short and simple and yet enough for you to learn something new.

WordPress in X Days

The X will be defined after I get enough lessons. Each lesson will be considered to be done in 1 day. You can always work on more than 1 of course;)

  • Twenty Seventeen Child Theme (~10min)
  • Adding Panels, Sections and Controls in Customizer (~20min)
  • Related Articles under Post (~15min)
  • Widget for Related Articles (~10min)
  • Custom Template (~10min)
  • Replacing Templates via Code (~15min)
  • Creating Admin Menus (Parent and Submenus) (~5-10min)
  • Creating Settings (On custom and existing pages) (~15min)

Already on 8 days, right? 🙂

Why a new domain?

The domain wpchallenges.com will be the one that will hold all those challenges together which you can join in & participate. Some of them will be evergreen so you can join anytime and some of them will be only available once per month or so.

It is also much easier to remember that than a page on my site, right? 🙂

Do you have something you wanted to learn?

If so, please do tell so I can think of it in a form of a challenge.