The Score Component for our Quiz will render the data that we are retrieving through REST API. We will create a new React Component Score
and add it to our Quiz

The Score Component for our Quiz will render the data that we are retrieving through REST API. We will create a new React Component Score
and add it to our Quiz
For a Quiz to function properly, we need to have questions and answers. In the previous tutorial, we create the main React Component Quiz
. We will learn, in this tutorial, how to create a Question
and Answer
The main Component of our React Quiz will be the Quiz Component. In the last tutorial, we have integrated the React WP Scripts into our plugin. Now, we are going to move forward by changing the files and adding new ones.
To create a Quiz with React, we need to configure our scripts that will compile modern JavaScript (ESNext) and JSX. We could go into and construct everything on our own or we can use tools that already exist. In this tutorial, we will see how to use the react-wp-scripts by Human Made.