WordPress is a great CMS and has a nice feature for uploading files. That is the media uploader which can be found inside the WordPress administration. In this tutorial we will not use the media uploader. We will develop our own WordPress file upload using AJAX and PHP.
Category: Themes
Programmatically download a file from WordPress
Creating a button or a link to download a file from WordPress in text is pretty simple: add an image and point it to an URL of the file. In this tutorial you will learn how to programmatically download a file.
Display the Terms of a Custom WordPress Taxonomy
Have you been working with custom WordPress taxonomies and post types? There are many ways to display associated terms in a custom WordPress taxonomy for a post. In this article we will go through them to show you how you can easily display the associated terms.
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AmalieLite – a great Twenty Fifteen alternative
Are you bored of Twenty Fifteen theme? I must admit that I am. Although it is a great theme, I wanted to find some other alternative with a similar or same layout. AmalieLite is the one I have found pretty similar but also a little bit different.