WordPress Transients are a great way to store temporary data. The data is stored in the database and it can be read from the memory with a plugin that uses WordPress cache correctly. But, should you use them always?

WordPress Transients are a great way to store temporary data. The data is stored in the database and it can be read from the memory with a plugin that uses WordPress cache correctly. But, should you use them always?
WordPress Customizer is a great tool for users to preview how settings would change their site layout and design. When developing Themes, you should always use the WordPress Customizer. In this tutorial you will learn how to develop a WordPress Customizer custom control for creating flexible lists.
Starter Content is something introduced in WordPress 4.7. This is a feature that enables you to create the demo content for your theme from the beginning. In this tutorial you will get some insights in it and learn how to set it for your own WordPress theme.
When working with WordPress and other APIs, there will be times to handle WordPress errors or errors given by third party APIs. With WP_Error class you can handle both error and make your own custom error.
Post Meta data in Twenty Sixteen shows information about the article as the author’s name, category, publish date and similar. Making it fixable, you can always give the reader to leave a comment quickly or even to see other articles by clicking on the category link. In this tutorial we will create a small JavaScript part that will make that possible.